Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#6406, aired 2012-06-25SPIRITUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHIES $400: Published in 1694, George Fox' "Journal" recounts the "shaky" birth of this religious group the Quakers
#6406, aired 2012-06-25SPIRITUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHIES $800: Helping to spread Hinduism in the U.S., Paramahansa Yogananda penned an "Autobiography of" one of these holy men a Yogi
#6406, aired 2012-06-25SPIRITUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHIES $1200: 1964's "Markings" marked the life & reflections of this U.N. leader who died in a plane crash (Dag) Hammarskjöld
#6406, aired 2012-06-25SPIRITUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHIES $2,000 (Daily Double): This pope's "Journal of a Soul" from adolescence to the Vatican was published after he died in 1963 John XXIII
#6406, aired 2012-06-25SPIRITUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHIES $2000: I must disclose it was the name of St. Augustine's 4th century spiritual autobiography The Confessions

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