Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#8816, aired 2023-02-27SOUTHERNERS $400: A building in rural Mississippi bears the sign that this queen of daytime talk shows & other media "faced first audience here" Oprah (Winfrey)
#8816, aired 2023-02-27SOUTHERNERS $800: He passed for more than 57,000 yards for the Giants before joining his big brother in football commentary Eli Manning
#8816, aired 2023-02-27SOUTHERNERS $1200: What's poppin'? The career of this rapper from Louisville Jack Harlow
#8816, aired 2023-02-27SOUTHERNERS $1600: The voice of Olaf on film, he's a native of Hollywood... Florida Josh Gad
#8816, aired 2023-02-27SOUTHERNERS $2000: This Georgian has ranged from a rural wife in "Raising Arizona" to an executive on "Succession" Holly Hunter

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