Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (15 results returned)

#6169, aired 2011-06-09JOHN PHILIP SOUSA $400: The sousaphone, developed from a suggestion by Sousa, is a 3-valved type of this brass instrument a tuba
#6169, aired 2011-06-09JOHN PHILIP SOUSA $800: Sousa met his wife, Jane, during rehearsals for this Gilbert & Sullivan operetta set on a ship off Portsmouth H.M.S. Pinafore
#6169, aired 2011-06-09JOHN PHILIP SOUSA $1200: This 1893 march named for a national symbol served as the theme for "Monty Python's Flying Circus" "The Liberty Bell"
#6169, aired 2011-06-09JOHN PHILIP SOUSA $2,000 (Daily Double): In 1889 the owner of this newspaper asked Sousa to write a march for a ceremony for the winners of its essay contest The Washington Post
#6169, aired 2011-06-09JOHN PHILIP SOUSA $2000: In 1896 Sousa wrote an operetta set in Peru during Spanish occupation that featured this title march "El Capitan"
#5475, aired 2008-05-30SOUSA'S $200: Sousa was instrumental in the design of the sousaphone, a bass one of these with an upright bell a tuba
#5475, aired 2008-05-30SOUSA'S $400: In 1987 the U.S. flagged this Sousa tune as its official march "Stars & Stripes Forever"
#5475, aired 2008-05-30SOUSA'S $600: In 1880 John Philip Sousa became the leader of this military band the Marine Band
#5475, aired 2008-05-30SOUSA'S $800: Sousa's great-grandniece, soprano Renee, appeared at this L.A. landmark in "The Magic Of Sousa" the Hollywood Bowl
#5475, aired 2008-05-30SOUSA'S $1000: This Sousa march was used as the theme to "Monty Python's Flying Circus" "The Liberty Bell"
#2285, aired 1994-07-08SOUSA $100: This instrument was designed to his specifications & named for him the Sousaphone
#2285, aired 1994-07-08SOUSA $200: This group well known for its Sousa marches was led by Arthur Fiedler for almost 50 years the Boston Pops
#2285, aired 1994-07-08SOUSA $300: Upset over royalties, Sousa wouldn't perform on these with his band recordings
#2285, aired 1994-07-08SOUSA $400: Sousa wrote an orchestration for a U.S. version of their "H.M.S. Pinafore" Gilbert & Sullivan
#2285, aired 1994-07-08SOUSA $500 (Daily Double): This 1889 march was written for the awards ceremony of a newspaper-sponsored essay contest "The Washington Post"

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