Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#8032, aired 2019-07-09SONGS IN ANIMATED MOVIES $200: In this 2005 movie the lemur King Julien sings, "I like to move it, move it" Madagascar
#8032, aired 2019-07-09SONGS IN ANIMATED MOVIES $400: The only Oscar nomination for "The Lego Movie" was for this ridiculously catchy tune "Everything Is Awesome"
#8032, aired 2019-07-09SONGS IN ANIMATED MOVIES $600: Shakira's "Try Everything" was a great choice for this film about an ideal animal world Zootopia
#8032, aired 2019-07-09SONGS IN ANIMATED MOVIES $800: Also in the 1967 movie, "I Wan'na Be Like You" made the cut for Jon Favreau's recent version of this movie The Jungle Book
#8032, aired 2019-07-09SONGS IN ANIMATED MOVIES $1000: "Origami Birds" & "Monkey's Story" are tunes in this 2016 movie that references a musical instrument Kubo and the Two Strings

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