Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#4799, aired 2005-06-16SOCIAL TYPES $200: A fictional mutant monster gave us this term for a woman who's unbearable while planning her wedding Bridezilla
#4799, aired 2005-06-16SOCIAL TYPES $400: A toff is a member of the upper classes of society, usually in this country England
#4799, aired 2005-06-16SOCIAL TYPES $600: The "Simpsons" character seen here has no name; he's simply called this Comic Book Guy
#4799, aired 2005-06-16SOCIAL TYPES $800: A yuppie who lives for great dining experiences may be this word also ending in -ie a foodie
#4799, aired 2005-06-16SOCIAL TYPES $1000: Ms. Poole from accounting who's tough on expense accounts, is known by this leguminous 2-word term bean counter
#4664, aired 2004-12-09SOCIAL TYPES $200: A "man on the street" is an ordinary Joe; a bon vivant is a "man about" this town
#4664, aired 2004-12-09SOCIAL TYPES $400: A boomer was born in the '50s; a flapper was popular mainly during this decade the '20s
#4664, aired 2004-12-09SOCIAL TYPES $600: This 7-letter neologism describes someone who desires to emulate Madonna's or Britney's success wannabe
#4664, aired 2004-12-09SOCIAL TYPES $800: One who wields his power unofficially is this color eminence gray
#4664, aired 2004-12-09SOCIAL TYPES $1000: After literati, men of letters become famous & wealthy, they get a couple letters more & become part of this group glitterati

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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