Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#2397, aired 1995-01-24SOCIAL REFORMERS $200: In 1869 Elizabeth Cady Stanton & this woman founded the National Woman Suffrage Association Susan B. Anthony
#2397, aired 1995-01-24SOCIAL REFORMERS $400: In 1837 Friedrich Froebel opened his first of these schools, for children in Blankenburg kindergartens
#2397, aired 1995-01-24SOCIAL REFORMERS $600: In 1910 she published "Twenty Years at Hull House" (Jane) Addams
#2397, aired 1995-01-24SOCIAL REFORMERS $800: Charles Kingsley was against sweated labor & was one of the 1st churchmen to support this evolutionist Darwin
#2397, aired 1995-01-24SOCIAL REFORMERS $2,000 (Daily Double): Born in 1839, this British chocolate maker provided housing & pensions for his workers Cadbury

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