Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#8352, aired 2021-03-09 | SNAKES & LADDERS $200: The national safety council says that when climbing a ladder, you should always grip these, not the side rails rungs |
#8352, aired 2021-03-09 | SNAKES & LADDERS $400: This common harmless snake gets its name from its stripes, which were thought to resemble sock-securing bands a garter snake |
#8352, aired 2021-03-09 | SNAKES & LADDERS $600: The use of ladders to scale a defensive wall is called this, also the name of a Cadillac SUV escalade |
#8352, aired 2021-03-09 | SNAKES & LADDERS $800: Often mistaken for rattlesnakes, bull snakes are also known as these, after the burrowing rodents they like to dine on gopher snakes |
#8352, aired 2021-03-09 | SNAKES & LADDERS $1000: Many dive boats use open sided ladders so divers can go up & down while wearing these fins |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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