Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#8130, aired 2020-01-03SLIDING INTO YOUR CMs $400: This MSNBC host served as the top aide for House Speaker Tip O'Neill in the '80s Chris Matthews
#8130, aired 2020-01-03SLIDING INTO YOUR CMs $800: This "softly named" Puritan minister examined Christianity in New England with "Magnalia Christi Americana" Cotton Mather
#8130, aired 2020-01-03SLIDING INTO YOUR CMs $1200: A quote from his ever-cheery "The Road"--"There is no God & we are his prophets" Cormac McCarthy
#8130, aired 2020-01-03SLIDING INTO YOUR CMs $1600: You have the Gaul to tell me that he brought Burgundy under his control in the 700s?! & that he was Pepin the Short's dad?! Charles Martel
#8130, aired 2020-01-03SLIDING INTO YOUR CMs $2000: "Chappelle's Show" dramatized this man's encounters with the one & only Rick James Charlie Murphy

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