Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#8361, aired 2021-03-22 | SLEEPY TIME $200: This word after "cat" means a short sleep; after "dog" it means a canine abduction nap |
#8361, aired 2021-03-22 | SLEEPY TIME $400: This Spanish word for sleep in the afternoon is from Latin for "6th hour", meaning the 6th hour after dawn siesta |
#8361, aired 2021-03-22 | SLEEPY TIME $600: Westclox' Drowse alarm clock was one of the first to have this feature, with 5- or 10-minute options snooze |
#8361, aired 2021-03-22 | SLEEPY TIME $800: An old song says, this personification of sleep, "bring me a dream" Sandman |
#8361, aired 2021-03-22 | SLEEPY TIME $1,000 (Daily Double): A joke about how dull the Anglican 39 Articles are is an early reference to this phrase for a short doze 40 winks |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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