Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (25 results returned)

#5059, aired 2006-09-14APRES "SKI" $400: A-line, mini & peasant are 3 types skirts
#5059, aired 2006-09-14APRES "SKI" $800: An acted-out segment on "Saturday Night Live" a skit
#5059, aired 2006-09-14APRES "SKI" $1200: Underwear, at one time a trademark skivvies
#5059, aired 2006-09-14APRES "SKI" $1600: When driving in the rain, remember to "steer into" it the skid
#5059, aired 2006-09-14APRES "SKI" $2000: Proficiency skill
#4736, aired 2005-03-21SKI $200: (Cheryl of the Clue Crew shuffles uphill on skis in Park City, UT.) As well as a suit pattern, it's a technique of climbing a hill by pointing your skis outward herringbone
#4736, aired 2005-03-21-SKI $400: National Polish-American sports hall of famers include Ted Kluszewski, Pete Stemkowski & this former Eagles QB Ron Jaworski
#4736, aired 2005-03-21SKI $400: In this type of skiing that includes moguls, shorter poles are used for maneuverability freestyle skiing
#4736, aired 2005-03-21SKI $600: It's the sound of the skis bouncing rapidly off hard snow--keep your knees & ankles flexed to make it shut up chattering
#4736, aired 2005-03-21-SKI $800: Part of Korczak Ziolkowski's family is seen here with a model of his huge statue of this Indian leader Crazy Horse
#4736, aired 2005-03-21SKI $800: An amphitheater in Vail, Colorado is named for this U.S. president, a skiing aficionado Gerald Ford
#4736, aired 2005-03-21SKI $1000: (Cheryl of the Clue Crew skids to a stop on skis in Park City, UT.) Introduced in 1868, this turn that ski jumpers use to stop is named for what Norway's capital was then called christiania
#4736, aired 2005-03-21-SKI $1200: This Pole in exile met an American in Paris & soon found himself fighting for American freedom Pulaski
#4736, aired 2005-03-21-SKI $1600: This "Being There" novelist escaped the Holocaust but committed suicide in New York in 1991 Jerzy Kosiński
#4736, aired 2005-03-21-SKI $2000: He's the early 20th century prime minister seen here Paderewski
#4674, aired 2004-12-23SKI YOU LATER $200: Cross-country skiing falls under this discipline of skiing whose name refers to the people or culture of Scandinavia Nordic skiing
#4674, aired 2004-12-23SKI YOU LATER $400: This winter sport, likely developed from European military skiing competitions, was introduced to the Olympics in 1960 biathlon
#4674, aired 2004-12-23SKI YOU LATER $600: As in the geometric term, your skis should not converge while making this type of turn parallel
#4674, aired 2004-12-23SKI YOU LATER $800: Gates mark the zigzag course of this kind of ski race whose name comes from words meaning "sloping" & "track" slalom
#4674, aired 2004-12-23SKI YOU LATER $1000: The most direct route down the slopes is called this "line", which might worry an unsteady skier the fall line
#4321, aired 2003-05-19SKI YOU AT THE MOVIES $400: This actor who owns his own ski resort did much of his own skiing in the 1969 film "Downhill Racer" Robert Redford
#4321, aired 2003-05-19SKI YOU AT THE MOVIES $800: Peter Sellers "Clouseaus" in on jewel thief David Niven at a ski resort in this 1964 film The Pink Panther
#4321, aired 2003-05-19SKI YOU AT THE MOVIES $1200: An Oscar-winning documentary profiled Yuichiro Miura, "The Man Who Skied Down" this mountain Mount Everest
#4321, aired 2003-05-19SKI YOU AT THE MOVIES $1600: In a 1969 film, Dean Martin's daughter Claudia & this star of "Adam-12" got "Ski Fever" Martin Milner
#4321, aired 2003-05-19SKI YOU AT THE MOVIES $2000: (Sarah of the Clue Crew at a ski resort in Colorado) I've wanted to go skiing ever since I saw Audrey Hepburn meet Cary Grant at a ski resort in this classic 1963 caper Charade

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