Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#5652, aired 2009-03-17SID & NANCY $200: She served as the whip of the House Democrats from Jan. 2002 to Jan. 2003; she got a big promotion later Nancy Pelosi
#5652, aired 2009-03-17SID & NANCY $400: After lines like "They call me Mr. Tibbs", they call him Mr. this Sidney Poitier
#5652, aired 2009-03-17SID & NANCY $600: He sold 300 million books, including 2000's "The Sky Is Falling", which he wrote in his 80s Sidney Sheldon
#5652, aired 2009-03-17SID & NANCY $800: Nancy was the first name of this "Lady", who in 1929 tried to form a women's party in the British House of Commons Lady Astor
#5652, aired 2009-03-17SID & NANCY $1000: S.J. stood for Sidney Joseph in the name of this New Yorker satirist Perelman

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