Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#9215, aired 2024-11-29SHEIK $400: An amateur wrestler in Iran, Hossein Ali Vaziri entertained WWE fans under this alias the Iron Sheik
#9215, aired 2024-11-29SHEIK $800: This collection of stories featuring Sinbad & Aladdin also has one in which sheiks are rudely strapped to camels One Thousand and One Nights
#9215, aired 2024-11-29SHEIK $1200: In 2009 pirates became a major issue for Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, president of this East African country Somalia
#9215, aired 2024-11-29SHEIK $1600: "Midnight's Children" by this author finds Sheikh Mujib leading a Bangladeshi independence movement Rushdie
#9215, aired 2024-11-29SHEIK $2000: A Sports Illustrated article from 2021 titled "The Derby, the Sheikh & the Missing Princess" focused on this emirate's ruler Dubai
#5076, aired 2006-10-09SHEIK'S PEER $400: This term meaning "king" is taken from the Old Persian khshayathiay shah
#5076, aired 2006-10-09SHEIK'S PEER $800: Also a type of skiing competition, this term refers to a member of a Muslim dynasty that ruled India until 1857 mogul
#5076, aired 2006-10-09SHEIK'S PEER $1200: This Indian word means "king"; if "maha" is in front of it, it means "great king" raja
#5076, aired 2006-10-09SHEIK'S PEER $1600: Made up of 7 independent states, a country bordering Oman & Saudi Arabia is named for & run by men titled this emir
#5076, aired 2006-10-09SHEIK'S PEER $2000: With or without an "H" at the end, this is a title for a Muslim teacher; a high-ranking one may be an ayatollah mullah

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