Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#5742, aired 2009-07-21SHAM, WOW! $200: In 1925 Victor Lustig sold this 984-foot Paris landmark--twice! Now that's a bargain for Victor at twice the price! the Eiffel Tower
#5742, aired 2009-07-21SHAM, WOW! $400: Wow--this "Citizen Kane" star's 1938 radio show had many convinced Martians had invaded New Jersey Orson Welles
#5742, aired 2009-07-21SHAM, WOW! $600: In 2008 his multi-billion Ponzi scheme was exposed; you won't find that shamelessness anywhere else! Bernie Madoff
#5742, aired 2009-07-21SHAM, WOW! $800: In 1983 2 Germans sold 62 bogus volumes of his "Diaries" to Stern magazine; okay, that's just wrong on so many levels Hitler
#5742, aired 2009-07-21SHAM, WOW! $1000: Let me save you time & money! No dead leader's assets need moving from this country's capital of Abuja; ignore the e-mail! Nigeria

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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