Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#1596, aired 1991-07-08SHAKESPEAREAN SERVANTS $200: Alexander is her servant, not Troilus' Cressida
#1596, aired 1991-07-08SHAKESPEAREAN SERVANTS $400: Her nurse has a servant of her own; his name is Peter Juliet
#1596, aired 1991-07-08SHAKESPEAREAN SERVANTS $600: One of her attendants gives her the news "Our Thane is coming" Lady Macbeth
#1596, aired 1991-07-08SHAKESPEAREAN SERVANTS $1,000 (Daily Double): Appropriately, this king & queen have fairies for attendants Oberon & Titania
#1596, aired 1991-07-08SHAKESPEAREAN SERVANTS $1000: In this comedy, Bianca has a suitor named Gremio & Petruchio has a servant named Grumio Taming of the Shrew
#1469, aired 1991-01-10SHAKESPEAREAN SERVANTS $100: When this title character first appears, eunuchs are fanning her Cleopatra
#1469, aired 1991-01-10SHAKESPEAREAN SERVANTS $200: Of Rugby, Hockey, or Cricket, the one who's a servant in "The Merry Wives of Windsor" Rugby
#1469, aired 1991-01-10SHAKESPEAREAN SERVANTS $400: These two title Veronese have servants named Launce & Speed the Two Gentlemen of Verona
#1469, aired 1991-01-10SHAKESPEAREAN SERVANTS $500: His servant, Reynaldo, isn't present when Hamlet stabs him through the arras Polonius
#1469, aired 1991-01-10SHAKESPEAREAN SERVANTS $1,000 (Daily Double): Pindarus is a servant to this lean & hungry guy Cassius

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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