Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#9242, aired 2025-01-07SCRAMBLED EGG LAYERS $200: Traditional symbol of happiness: RIDE BULB bluebird
#9242, aired 2025-01-07SCRAMBLED EGG LAYERS $400: It can reach a ground speed of 15 mph: ORDER AN URN a roadrunner
#9242, aired 2025-01-07SCRAMBLED EGG LAYERS $600: Might be probing for insects: CROOKED PEW woodpecker
#9242, aired 2025-01-07SCRAMBLED EGG LAYERS $800: Its crest can be raised & lowered at will: TACO COOK cockatoo
#9242, aired 2025-01-07SCRAMBLED EGG LAYERS $1000: Can open quite wide: IN PLACE a pelican
#7293, aired 2016-05-04SCRAMBLED EGG-LAYERS $200: Lawn favorite: GOLF MAIN flamingo
#7293, aired 2016-05-04SCRAMBLED EGG-LAYERS $400: Also a musical TV family: GARTER DIP partridge
#7293, aired 2016-05-04SCRAMBLED EGG-LAYERS $600: Soaring high: SOLAR TABS albatross
#7293, aired 2016-05-04SCRAMBLED EGG-LAYERS $800: Busy little breed: HIM GRIN DUMB hummingbird
#7293, aired 2016-05-04SCRAMBLED EGG-LAYERS $1000: Surf's up for this one: SPREAD PIN sandpiper

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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