Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (33 results returned)

#9220, aired 2024-12-06SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES $200: Perucetus colossus, a fossil one of these recently found in South America, may surpass a descendant as the heaviest animal ever a whale
#9220, aired 2024-12-06SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES $400: A new study says this red supergiant in Orion may be a binary star, so it's OK to say it twice--but please, stop there Betelgeuse
#9220, aired 2024-12-06SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES $600: The 1846 discovery of Neptune was made after astronomers found unexplained perturbations in the orbit of this planet Uranus
#9220, aired 2024-12-06SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES $800: Donald Johnson found the fossil of a small hominid in 1974 & named her this, from a Beatles song played at the post-discovery party Lucy
#9220, aired 2024-12-06SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES $4,000 (Daily Double): Identified in the 1970s, these pain relieving proteins in the brain were named to reflect their similarity to morphine endorphins
#9151, aired 2024-07-22SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES $200: Calculations by Urbain Le Verrier were integral to the discovery of this ice giant that was observed in 1846 Neptune
#9151, aired 2024-07-22SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES $400: This German discoverer of the 3 laws of planetary motion also invented a valveless gear pump Kepler
#9151, aired 2024-07-22SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES $600: British physicist Sir J.J. Thomson discovered this subatomic particle in 1897 electron
#9151, aired 2024-07-22SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES $800: This Frenchman was practicing medicine without a license when he tried out his rabies vaccine on a boy in 1885 Pasteur
#9151, aired 2024-07-22SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES $1000: Astronomer Vera Rubin said, "In a spiral galaxy, the ratio of dark-to-light" this "is about a factor of 10" matter
#8313, aired 2021-01-13SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES $200: In the 1820s chemist Friedlieb Runge discovered this compound after Goethe asked him to find out what's in coffee caffeine
#8313, aired 2021-01-13SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES $400: Trying to find a planet closer to the Sun than Mercury, Samuel Schwabe discovered a cycle of these solar phenomena sunspots
#8313, aired 2021-01-13SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES $600: When Carl Scheele discovered this element found in salt, he called it "dephlogisticated muriatic acid" chlorine
#8313, aired 2021-01-13SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES $800: Alfred Nobel made the dynamite discovery that this volatile liquid can be made safer if mixed with a certain type of dirt nitroglycerin
#8313, aired 2021-01-13SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES $1000: Before he discovered penicillin, this British scientist discovered lysozyme after his runny nose infected a Petri dish Fleming
#6816, aired 2014-04-14SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES $400: In 1676 Ole Roemer found this has a fixed speed & said it crosses Earth's 180-million-mile orbit in 22 minutes light
#6816, aired 2014-04-14SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES $800: Experimenting with coal tar in the 1870s, Constantin Fahlberg accidentally discovered this sugar substitute saccharin
#6816, aired 2014-04-14SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES $2,000 (Daily Double): This protective layer of the stratosphere was discovered by Charles Fabry in 1913 the ozone layer
#4390, aired 2003-10-10SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES $200: A new industry in Europe began in 1747 when Andreas Marggraf discovered this in beets sugar
#4390, aired 2003-10-10SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES $400: In 1835 Jan Purkinje noted animal tissues, like plant tissues, are made from these cells
#4390, aired 2003-10-10SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES $600: In 1834 one of the projects this German had on the back burner was finding an antidote for arsenic poisoning (Robert) Bunsen
#4390, aired 2003-10-10SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES $800: Elso Barghoorn found the remains of these acids in 3-billion-year-old rocks, exhibiting proof of very early life amino acids
#4390, aired 2003-10-10SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES $1000: In 1986 Williams & Dubner, with too much time on their hands, found that a number formed by 1,031 ones in a row was this prime
#4195, aired 2002-11-22SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES $400: He discovered that heating wine killed the microbes that make it turn sour Louis Pasteur
#4195, aired 2002-11-22SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES $800: (Sofia of the Clue Crew reports from the Field Museum in Chicago.) Sue the T. rex was found to possess this bone, which further links birds & dinosaurs--which half do you want? the wishbone
#4195, aired 2002-11-22SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES $1200: The first white dwarf star to be discovered was a companion to this dog star Sirius
#4195, aired 2002-11-22SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES $1,600 (Daily Double): The remains of a 3.2 million-year-old hominid, discovered in 1974, were nicknamed this, after a Beatles song Lucy
#4195, aired 2002-11-22SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES $2000: In the 1770s Lavoisier discovered that air is made up mostly of oxygen & this gas nitrogen
#2284, aired 1994-07-07SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES $200: While studying the Solar Spectrum, Angstrom found this element in the sun's atmosphere hydrogen
#2284, aired 1994-07-07SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES $400: In 1946 it was discovered that this could be produced by seeding clouds with dry ice rain
#2284, aired 1994-07-07SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES $600: This central part of a cell was discovered by Robert Brown of Brownian motion fame the nucleus
#2284, aired 1994-07-07SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES $800: Experiments with coal tar derivatives led to the accidental discovery of this artificial sweetener in 1879 saccharin
#2284, aired 1994-07-07SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES $2,000 (Daily Double): This planet's 16th moon was discovered in 1979; Galileo found the first 4 in 1610 Jupiter

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (3 results returned)

#6100, aired 2011-03-04SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES: In 1919, barely 20 years after its discovery, it was the world's most expensive substance at $3 million an ounce radium
#3118, aired 1998-03-04SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES: They got their name because the man who discovered them in 1895 had no idea what they were X-Rays (discovered by Wilhelm Roentgen)
#2106, aired 1993-11-01SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES: Its discovery was announced on March 13, 1930, Percival Lowell's birthday Pluto

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