Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#9154, aired 2024-07-25SCIENCE: MISSED IT BY THAT MUCH $200: "How Deep Is" this, asks a song standard--a 2010 estimate says 12,080' mean depth so John Murray in 1888 was pretty close at 12,480' "The Ocean"
#9154, aired 2024-07-25SCIENCE: MISSED IT BY THAT MUCH $400: In the 1860s John Newlands arranged the 56 known these according to a soon-discredited "Law of Octaves" elements
#9154, aired 2024-07-25SCIENCE: MISSED IT BY THAT MUCH $600: At this 7/16/1945 "Site", Fermi's guess on bomb yield was off by half--not bad for tossing paper in the air as the blast wave came the Trinity Site
#9154, aired 2024-07-25SCIENCE: MISSED IT BY THAT MUCH $800: Hipparchus of Bithynia calculated this distance at a bit under 2 million miles; 93 million is more like it the distance from the Earth to the Sun
#9154, aired 2024-07-25SCIENCE: MISSED IT BY THAT MUCH $1000: The "Top 10 Erroneous Results" from Science News include a 2011 finding that these chargeless particles can outrace light neutrinos
#8262, aired 2020-10-20SCIENCE: MISSED IT BY THAT MUCH $400: In 1659 Huygens thought there was just 1 of these features of Saturn, but there are at least 7 major ones rings
#8262, aired 2020-10-20SCIENCE: MISSED IT BY THAT MUCH $800: Lord Kelvin had his own understanding of heat transfer, leading him to estimate this at 20 million years (try 4.5 billion) the age of the Earth
#8262, aired 2020-10-20SCIENCE: MISSED IT BY THAT MUCH $1,000 (Daily Double): In the early 1800s John Dalton made pioneering tables of this measure, though he gave 7 for oxygen's (15.999 is correct) atomic weight
#8262, aired 2020-10-20SCIENCE: MISSED IT BY THAT MUCH $1200: A Feb. 1953 paper by Linus Pauling says the structure of DNA involves this many "intertwined helical polynucleotide chains"--so close 3
#8262, aired 2020-10-20SCIENCE: MISSED IT BY THAT MUCH $2000: The expansion rate of the universe is the constant named for this man, who in the 1920s pegged it at 7 times the current estimate Hubble

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