Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9141, aired 2024-07-08SAMUEL BECKETT $200: Born in Foxrock, a suburb of Dublin, Beckett attended this nearby college & later taught there Trinity College
#9141, aired 2024-07-08SAMUEL BECKETT $400: A left-arm medium-paced bowler, Beckett claimed to play a "gritty defense" in this sport cricket
#9141, aired 2024-07-08SAMUEL BECKETT $600: In 2013 people couldn't wait to see "Waiting for Godot" with Ian McKellen as Estragon & him as Vladimir; Broadway made it so Stewart
#9141, aired 2024-07-08SAMUEL BECKETT $800: Beckett received the Croix de Guerre after joining this as an expat in Paris in 1940; his group had the name Gloria SMH the French Resistance
#9141, aired 2024-07-08SAMUEL BECKETT $1000: Beckett used the phrase "Fallor, ergo sum" in a poem about this 17th century Frenchman René Descartes

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