Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#8900, aired 2023-06-23SAME FIRST & LAST LETTER GEOGRAPHY $400: The Royal Albert Dock is an attraction in this Merseyside seaport city of England Liverpool
#8900, aired 2023-06-23SAME FIRST & LAST LETTER GEOGRAPHY $800: Portuguese is the official language of this resource-rich nation of southwest Africa Angola
#8900, aired 2023-06-23SAME FIRST & LAST LETTER GEOGRAPHY $1200: Driving I-40 from Winslow to Kingman, you might want to stop in this city & maybe take in the Museum of Northern Arizona Flagstaff
#8900, aired 2023-06-23SAME FIRST & LAST LETTER GEOGRAPHY $2000: This temple complex on the right bank of the Nile occupies part of the site of the ruins of ancient Thebes Karnak
#8900, aired 2023-06-23SAME FIRST & LAST LETTER GEOGRAPHY $3,000 (Daily Double): It flows over 1,300 miles from highlands near Brazil across Venezuela to the Atlantic the Orinoco
#8809, aired 2023-02-16SAME FIRST & LAST LETTER GEOGRAPHY $400: Y'all, Rusty Wallace wanted to go fast at Talladega in 2004 in this state, & sure did; "We hit 228 at the end of the straightaway" Alabama
#8809, aired 2023-02-16SAME FIRST & LAST LETTER GEOGRAPHY $800: Looking for the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame? You'll find it on the shores of this lake Erie
#8809, aired 2023-02-16SAME FIRST & LAST LETTER GEOGRAPHY $1600: This largest island in Alaska covers nearly 3,600 square miles & yes, I'll have some of its abundant salmon, please Kodiak
#8809, aired 2023-02-16SAME FIRST & LAST LETTER GEOGRAPHY $2000: This river rises in the Czech Republic but nearly 500 of its 724 miles flow through Germany to the North Sea the Elbe
#8809, aired 2023-02-16SAME FIRST & LAST LETTER GEOGRAPHY $4,000 (Daily Double): Check out Akershus Fortress, begun in 1299, & a major landmark in this world capital Oslo

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