Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#1692, aired 1991-12-31SALVADOR DALI $100: Upside down, Dali's ashtray "The Swan of Leda" becomes this animal -- the swan's neck becomes a trunk an elephant
#1692, aired 1991-12-31SALVADOR DALI $200: Dali is classified as part of this art movement, founded in 1924 Surrealism
#1692, aired 1991-12-31SALVADOR DALI $300: One of the guiding forces in his work was this doctor's theory of the unconscious Sigmund Freud
#1692, aired 1991-12-31SALVADOR DALI $400: Dali designed the dream sequence for this director's "Spellbound" Hitchcock
#1692, aired 1991-12-31SALVADOR DALI $1,500 (Daily Double): Title of the 1931 work seen here, one of his best-known works: The Persistence of Memory

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