Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#8065, aired 2019-10-04 | SALUTE TO 8000 $200: This largest seal, which can weigh 8,000 pounds, is named for another large mammal the elephant seal |
#8065, aired 2019-10-04 | SALUTE TO 8000 $400: In 2018 Diana Taurasi became the first 8,000-point scorer in the history of this league the WNBA |
#8065, aired 2019-10-04 | SALUTE TO 8000 $600: The M.I.T. Agelab estimates that this period of your life will last about 8,000 days--don't run out of savings retirement |
#8065, aired 2019-10-04 | SALUTE TO 8000 $800: Measured at the Equator, this distance is just a bit under 8,000 miles the diameter of the earth |
#8065, aired 2019-10-04 | SALUTE TO 8000 $1000: As per its name, this seat of Pitkin County, Colorado has lots of trees--they release the oxygen humans need at 8,000 feet Aspen |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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