Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#7840, aired 2018-10-12SACK TIME $200: In the expressions sack duty & sack rat, heard in the military, sack means this bed
#7840, aired 2018-10-12SACK TIME $400: As mentioned in the Bible, wearing sackcloth & ashes was a sign of this somber condition mourning
#7840, aired 2018-10-12SACK TIME $600: In the 1912 British play "Hindle Wakes", the line "I'll give him the sack" means this firing him
#7840, aired 2018-10-12SACK TIME $800: With his large belly & his never-empty bag, Hotei is one of the mythical gods of this--aptly, there are 7 of them luck
#7840, aired 2018-10-12SACK TIME $1000: Part of the ransom paid to free this captured English king in 1194 was 50,000 sacks of wool Richard I (or Richard the Lionhearted)

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