Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (8 results returned)
#7487, aired 2017-03-14 | RVs $200: Another word for a recreational vehicle, or one who sleeps outside at national parks a camper |
#7487, aired 2017-03-14 | RVs $400: The RV Industry Association classifies RVs 2 ways: motorized, or those that move this way towed |
#7487, aired 2017-03-14 | RVs $600: This company that makes the RV seen here shares its name with Wisconsin's largest inland lake Winnebago |
#7487, aired 2017-03-14 | RVs $800: RVs traveling in a group are called this, from the Persian for "desert travelers" a caravan |
#7487, aired 2017-03-14 | RVs $1000: "Boondocking" refers to using your RV at a site that doesn't provide these hookups (or utilities) |
#6037, aired 2010-12-07 | RVs $200: (Jimmy of the Clue Crew reports from the RV/MH Hall of Fame in Elkhart, IN.) The GMC Motorhome from the '60s & 70s was among the first models to have this innovation that helps with traction by putting the weight over the wheels that do the work front-wheel drive |
#6037, aired 2010-12-07 | RVs $400: (Jimmy of the Clue Crew reports from the RV/MH Hall of Fame in Elkhart, IN.) I'm behind the wheel of the very first motor home, from the company whose name has become a synonym for "motor home"; since 1967, they've sold over 400,000 of them Winnebago |
#6037, aired 2010-12-07 | RVs $600: (Kelly of the Clue Crew reports from the RV/MH Hall of Fame in Elkhart, IN.) One of the first times a movie star received a fancy trailer as a perk was in 1931; Paramount gave a Chevy house car to this sexy star as she left the stage to make movies like "She Done Him Wrong" Mae West |
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