Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (20 results returned)

#7012, aired 2015-02-24PREFIXES & ROOTS $400: Before -factor, -ficiary & -diction, it means "good" bene-
#7012, aired 2015-02-24PREFIXES & ROOTS $800: This prefix meaning "water" precedes -plane, -chloric & -electric hydro-
#7012, aired 2015-02-24PREFIXES & ROOTS $1200: In medicine myo- refers to one of these body parts muscle
#7012, aired 2015-02-24PREFIXES & ROOTS $1600: In the words androcentric & androgen, andro- means this man (or male)
#7012, aired 2015-02-24PREFIXES & ROOTS $2000: The dorm- in dormouse & dormitory means this sleep
#7001, aired 2015-02-09ROOTS $200: This name for fans who root on the Green Bay Packers matches their unique bonnets cheese head
#7001, aired 2015-02-09ROOTS $400: Spike Lee & Woody Allen have both been spotted rooting for this NBA team from the sidelines the New York Knicks
#7001, aired 2015-02-09ROOTS $600: In 1952 a Detroit Red Wings fan first threw one of these out on the ice; it represented the 8 wins needed for the NHL title an octopus
#7001, aired 2015-02-09ROOTS $800: It's the 2-word name for the horde of fans who rooted for golfer Palmer Arnie's Army
#7001, aired 2015-02-09ROOTS $1000: AKA "The Red Devils", this team that averages 75,000 fans per game is the most popular English soccer team Manchester United
#5860, aired 2010-02-19ROOTS $400: Some in this country trace their ancestry to its 1788 "First Fleet", kind of a Mayflower of convicts Australia
#5860, aired 2010-02-19ROOTS $800: To this day, a list is kept of the descendants of this Chinese thinker of the 500s B.C.--it now numbers 2 million Confucius
#5860, aired 2010-02-19ROOTS $1200: The organization now called the United Daughters of this was formed in Tennessee in 1894 the Confederacy
#5860, aired 2010-02-19ROOTS $1600: (I'm Harvard University Professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr.) As part of PBS' "African American Live" series, I hosted a 2007 special that explored the roots of this TV personality & located her ancestors among Liberia's Kpelle people Oprah Winfrey
#5860, aired 2010-02-19ROOTS $2000: Search the Dawes Rolls for an ancestor who belonged to one of this group of tribes relocated to Oklahoma the Five Civilized Tribes
#3477, aired 1999-10-19ROCK'S ROOTS $100: This top yodeler fronted the Saddlemen before dropping the cowboy image & going with The Comets Bill Haley
#3477, aired 1999-10-19ROCK'S ROOTS $200: He released his first records under the name Charles Berryn Chuck Berry
#3477, aired 1999-10-19ROCK'S ROOTS $300: His "Tutti Frutti" only made it to No. 17 in the U.S.; Pat Boone's version of it went to No. 12 Little Richard
#3477, aired 1999-10-19ROCK'S ROOTS $400: It was Dick Clark who suggested that this man record "The Twist" Chubby Checker
#3477, aired 1999-10-19ROCK'S ROOTS $500: This soulful singer's hits include "You Send Me" & "Cupid" Sam Cooke

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