Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#7966, aired 2019-04-08ROOT '66 $200: Owner Jay Sarno rode a chariot on opening night & this Vegas casino was open for business in 1966 Caesars Palace
#7966, aired 2019-04-08ROOT '66 $400: Born in '66, this former pop singer has become a best-selling country artist without the Blowfish (Darius) Rucker
#7966, aired 2019-04-08ROOT '66 $600: Modern auto safety took a big step in '66 as LBJ signed bills mandating seatbelts & rupture-resistant these fuel tanks
#7966, aired 2019-04-08ROOT '66 $800: Australia took a step away from mother Britain in '66 when it switched from pounds to this currency the dollar
#7966, aired 2019-04-08ROOT '66 $1000: Anton LaVey created this controversial church in 1966 the Church of Satan

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