Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)
#8987, aired 2023-12-05 | ROME IS WHERE THE ART IS $400: Most visitors to the Capitoline Museums don't turn to stone when they see Bernini's bust of this slithery gal Medusa |
#8987, aired 2023-12-05 | ROME IS WHERE THE ART IS $800: Legend says that if you toss a coin into this Baroque masterpiece, you'll return to Rome Trevi Fountain |
#8987, aired 2023-12-05 | ROME IS WHERE THE ART IS $1200: The Pinacoteca, a collection of religious paintings begun by Pius VI, is one of many museums in this enclave Vatican City |
#8987, aired 2023-12-05 | ROME IS WHERE THE ART IS $1600: Roman ceilings, walls & floors display this type of art made of bits of material; you can walk on fine examples in Ostia mosaic |
#8987, aired 2023-12-05 | ROME IS WHERE THE ART IS $5,000 (Daily Double): In the Gallery of Borghese, Caravaggio's portrait of this saint shows him with his head still on his shoulders John the Baptist |
#7362, aired 2016-09-20 | ROME IS WHERE THE ART IS $400: Most visitors to the Capitoline Museums don't turn to stone when they see Bernini's bust of this slithery gal Medusa |
#7362, aired 2016-09-20 | ROME IS WHERE THE ART IS $800: The Pinacoteca, a collection of religious paintings begun by Pius VI, is one of many museums in this enclave the Vatican |
#7362, aired 2016-09-20 | ROME IS WHERE THE ART IS $1200: The terracotta Sarcophagus of the Spouses reclines at Rome's National Museum of these darn ancient people Etruscans |
#7362, aired 2016-09-20 | ROME IS WHERE THE ART IS $1600: Roman ceilings, walls & floors displayed this type of art made of bits of material; you can walk on fine examples in Ostia mosaic |
#7362, aired 2016-09-20 | ROME IS WHERE THE ART IS $6,000 (Daily Double): In the Galleria Borghese, Caravaggio's portrait of this saint shows him with his head still on his shoulders John the Baptist |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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