Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (54 results returned)

#8003, aired 2019-05-29ROBOTS $200: iRobot, maker of the Braava robot mop, is better known for this robot vacuum the Roomba
#8003, aired 2019-05-29ROBOTS $400: The company Ozobot makes robots that introduce kids to this activity, the art of writing instructions that direct computers coding
#8003, aired 2019-05-29ROBOTS $600: With the Lynx robot you can see your home remotely by using this 12-letter mode, from the French for "watch over" surveillance
#8003, aired 2019-05-29ROBOTS $800: Robots like the Sunfish have been cleaning up reactors damaged in this 2011 meltdown in Japan Fukushima
#8003, aired 2019-05-29ROBOTS $1000: As a social experiment, in 2014 a bot traveled 6,000 miles through Canada this way, but in the U.S. in 2015, soon met a bad end hitchhiking
#7617, aired 2017-10-24ROBOTS $200: Robotic milkers & strawberry pickers are examples of agbots, short for these agriculture robots
#7617, aired 2017-10-24ROBOTS $400: A 4-legged robot created by Boston Dynamics to deliver packages has been given this name, like Dick & Jane's dog Spot
#7617, aired 2017-10-24ROBOTS $600: Called Robo-Bees, mini drones sporting sticky horsehair may one day help insects with this vital process pollination
#7617, aired 2017-10-24ROBOTS $1000: Robots don't need goggles to do this job of fusing metal to metal with an electrical charge sparking across a gap arc welding
#7617, aired 2017-10-24ROBOTS $1,500 (Daily Double): Used to move equipment & supplies, the 55-foot-long Canadarm2 is a giant robotic arm on this facility the International Space Station
#7477, aired 2017-02-28ROBOTS $200: These 2 robots from a galaxy far, far away first appeared in a 1977 hit movie R2-D2 & C-3PO
#7477, aired 2017-02-28ROBOTS $400: Many computer tablets use this operating system created by Google & named for a humanoid robot Android
#7477, aired 2017-02-28ROBOTS $600: A design for a self-propelled robot vehicle was drawn up by this man around 1478; built in 2004, it worked da Vinci
#7477, aired 2017-02-28ROBOTS $800: Like its pal Opportunity, this robotic rover, launched into space June 10, 2003, has roved for miles on Mars Spirit
#7477, aired 2017-02-28ROBOTS $1000: In "I, Robot", a sci-fi collection by this author, a robot becomes self-aware & begins to feel emotions (Isaac) Asimov
#6678, aired 2013-10-02ROBOTS $400: Anthony Daniels & Kenny Baker, who played these 2 robots, are the only actors to appear in all 6 "Star Wars" films R2-D2 & C-3PO
#6678, aired 2013-10-02ROBOTS $800: This yellow-eyed "Star Trek" android had a more human-like brother, Lore, also played by Brent Spiner Data
#6678, aired 2013-10-02ROBOTS $1200: To create the android Maria in this 1927 Fritz Lang film, a plaster cast was made of actress Brigitte Helm's body Metropolis
#6678, aired 2013-10-02ROBOTS $1600: This robot from "Forbidden Planet" spoke English & "187 other languages" Robby
#6678, aired 2013-10-02ROBOTS $2000: The first animated character in the Robot Hall of Fame was this young lad created to replace Dr. Tenma's deceased son Toby Astro Boy
#6477, aired 2012-11-13ROBOTS & CYBORGS $200: The T-800 is an assassin in this 1984 film The Terminator
#6477, aired 2012-11-13ROBOTS & CYBORGS $400: Seven of Nine, a female Borg, turns up on this TV spin-off Star Trek: Voyager
#6477, aired 2012-11-13ROBOTS & CYBORGS $600: The Fembots battle this movie title Brit Austin Powers
#6477, aired 2012-11-13ROBOTS & CYBORGS $800: The Cylons were on this 2005-2009 TV show Battlestar Galactica
#6477, aired 2012-11-13ROBOTS & CYBORGS $1000: Gort visited Cold War-era Earth in this 1951 film The Day the Earth Stood Still
#5589, aired 2008-12-18TV ROBOTS $200: The Cylons were robotic soldiers out to wipe out the humans on this TV series that debuted in 1978 Battlestar Galactica
#5589, aired 2008-12-18TV ROBOTS $400: Jean Vander Pyl, TV"s Wilma Flintstone, was also the voice of Rosie the Robot, the maid on this cartoon series The Jetsons
#5589, aired 2008-12-18TV ROBOTS $600: Data & his evil twin Lore were brilliant androids on this show Star Trek: (The) Next Generation
#5589, aired 2008-12-18TV ROBOTS $800: The dulcet tones of this TV show's robot often intoned the line "Danger, Will Robinson" Lost in Space
#5589, aired 2008-12-18TV ROBOTS $1000: Crow T. Robot was a B-movie commentator on this cult TV show Mystery Science Theater 3000
#5197, aired 2007-03-27ROBOTS & ANDROIDS $400: 2 of the model numbers for these big-screen robots are the T-800 & the T-1000 a Terminator
#5197, aired 2007-03-27ROBOTS & ANDROIDS $800: In "Blade Runner", this is the term for the androids that Rick Deckard is tracking down & killing Replicants
#5197, aired 2007-03-27ROBOTS & ANDROIDS $1200: This Comedy Central series featured fighting robot vehicles trying to disable each other Battlebots
#5197, aired 2007-03-27ROBOTS & ANDROIDS $1600: The 1957 MGM film "The Invisible Boy" featured this "Forbidden Planet" robot turning in his 2nd mechanical role on film Robby
#5197, aired 2007-03-27ROBOTS & ANDROIDS $2000: This series featured 2 robots & one human making sarcastic comments while watching B movies Mystery Science Theater 3000
#4670, aired 2004-12-17ROBOTS, ANDROIDS & CYBORGS $200: In a 1989 TV movie Sandra Bullock was a new model of one of these title cyborgs; Lindsay Wagner was an old one a bionic woman
#4670, aired 2004-12-17ROBOTS, ANDROIDS & CYBORGS $400: Waiting out a sandstorm on Tatooine, this astromech droid made a new friend in a protocol droid R2-D2
#4670, aired 2004-12-17ROBOTS, ANDROIDS & CYBORGS $600: In this 2004 film a Chicago cop thinks an NS-5 named Sonny has committed murder I, Robot
#4670, aired 2004-12-17ROBOTS, ANDROIDS & CYBORGS $800: His niece Penny & his dog Brain help him defeat criminal masterminds like Dr. Claw Inspector Gadget
#4670, aired 2004-12-17ROBOTS, ANDROIDS & CYBORGS $1000: Seen here, he celebrated his 50th anniversary in 2002 & got a new series on the WB in 2004 Astro Boy
#2797, aired 1996-10-29TV ROBOTS $100: This futuristic animated family got their maid Rosey from "U-Rent-A-Maid" the Jetsons
#2797, aired 1996-10-29TV ROBOTS $200: On "Star Trek: The Next Generation", Brent Spiner was part of Starfleet as this android Data
#2797, aired 1996-10-29TV ROBOTS $300: The robot on this series was named Hymie because his KAOS creator's father's name was Hymie Get Smart
#2797, aired 1996-10-29TV ROBOTS $500 (Daily Double): Comedy Central series that featured the pair seen here: Mystery Science Theater 3000
#2797, aired 1996-10-29TV ROBOTS $500: The robot that traveled with the Robinsons on this show was called Robot. Lost in Space
#1119, aired 1989-06-15TV & MOVIE ROBOTS $100: This futuristic Hanna-Barbera cartoon series featured a robot named Rosie The Jetsons
#1119, aired 1989-06-15TV & MOVIE ROBOTS $200: She was Rhoda, Bob Cummings' robot, on "My Living Doll" Julie Newmar
#1119, aired 1989-06-15TV & MOVIE ROBOTS $300: He played a gunslinging robot in both "Westworld" & its sequel, "Futureworld" Yul Brynner
#1119, aired 1989-06-15TV & MOVIE ROBOTS $400: For 3 seasons Dick Gautier played this CONTROL robot on "Get Smart" Hymie
#1119, aired 1989-06-15TV & MOVIE ROBOTS $500: This "Forbidden Planet" robot could speak over 180 languages, drive a vehicle & make all the booze you'd like Robby the Robot
#560, aired 1987-01-30FAMOUS ROBOTS $100: Pair of "Star Wars" droids who got their own animated cartoon series in 1985 R2-D2 and C-3PO
#560, aired 1987-01-30FAMOUS ROBOTS $200: For this show's robot, Bob May was inside & Dick Tufeld supplied voice crying "Danger Will Robinson" Lost in Space
#560, aired 1987-01-30FAMOUS ROBOTS $400: Appropriate letter-number name of the computerized dog on "Doctor Who" K9
#560, aired 1987-01-30FAMOUS ROBOTS $500 (Daily Double): [Video] 1926 film which featured the robot pictured in the following: Metropolis

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