Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (15 results returned)

#8738, aired 2022-11-09RIVER RUN $400: In Babylonian myth the eyes of the dragon goddess Tiamat were the source of these 2 rivers the Tigris & the Euphrates
#8738, aired 2022-11-09RIVER RUN $1200: The Camargue, a wild & wildlife-rich region of France, is in the delta of this river that rises in Switzerland the Rhone
#8738, aired 2022-11-09RIVER RUN $1600: Good Catholics know South Bend, Indiana is named for a curvature of this river the St. Joseph
#8738, aired 2022-11-09RIVER RUN $2000: Sharing its name with a mountain range, this major river of Europe flows into the Caspian Sea at Atyrau, Kazakhstan (the) Ural (River)
#8738, aired 2022-11-09RIVER RUN $3,000 (Daily Double): Rivers that border Manhattan include the East River & these 2 "H" rivers the Hudson and the Harlem
#7949, aired 2019-03-14RIVER, RUN $200: For about half of its length, the Red River serves as the boundary between Oklahoma & this state Texas
#7949, aired 2019-03-14RIVER, RUN $600: Seeking a way to Burma, the Japanese built a bridge over this river in World War II Kwai
#7949, aired 2019-03-14RIVER, RUN $800: It flows 800 miles from Lake Ontario through Quebec to a gulf the Saint Lawrence
#7949, aired 2019-03-14RIVER, RUN $1,000 (Daily Double): In New York Times crossword puzzles, the clue for it has been "Bard's river" Avon
#7949, aired 2019-03-14RIVER, RUN $1000: We'd guess that Henry the Navigator sometimes navigated this river that flows through his country's capital the Tagus
#6605, aired 2013-05-10RIVER RUN $400: From the Cotswolds to Teddington Lock the Thames
#6605, aired 2013-05-10RIVER RUN $800: From the Black Forest to the Black Sea (it's blue, though) the Danube
#6605, aired 2013-05-10RIVER RUN $1200: From the Cuilcagh Mountains to the Atlantic west of Limerick the Shannon
#6605, aired 2013-05-10RIVER RUN $2000: From the Valdai Hills to the Caspian Sea the Volga
#6605, aired 2013-05-10RIVER RUN $4,000 (Daily Double): From the Rockies to the Gulf, between Brownsville & Matamoros the Rio Grande

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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