Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#6319, aired 2012-02-23RHYMING MOVIES $400: Mike Myers took on the feline role in this adaptation of a Dr. Seuss classic The Cat in the Hat
#6319, aired 2012-02-23RHYMING MOVIES $800: TV's Bill Cosby & Robert Culp were replaced by Eddie Murphy & Owen Wilson in this 2002 film I Spy
#6319, aired 2012-02-23RHYMING MOVIES $1200: Hugh Jackman rocked & socked audiences in this 2011 robot fighting film Real Steel
#6319, aired 2012-02-23RHYMING MOVIES $1600: Colin Farrell played a vampire in this remake of an '80s flick Fright Night
#6319, aired 2012-02-23RHYMING MOVIES $2000: Bette Midler was one of 3 witches in this aptly named 1993 comedy Hocus Pocus

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