Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#28, aired 2025-01-15RESPOND IN GERMAN IF YOU DER $300: Ah-ah-ah-choo! It literally means "health" in German Gesundheit
#28, aired 2025-01-15RESPOND IN GERMAN IF YOU DER $600: In Germany, it's the opposite of "unter"; in the U.S., it's a rival to Lyft über
#28, aired 2025-01-15RESPOND IN GERMAN IF YOU DER $900: A groaner of a pun often seen on t-shirts is "German sausage jokes are just the" this Wurst
#28, aired 2025-01-15RESPOND IN GERMAN IF YOU DER $1200: Arnold Schwarzenegger was born in Austria but he plays a teacher in a 1990 comedy with this German word in its title Kindergarten
#28, aired 2025-01-15RESPOND IN GERMAN IF YOU DER $1500: It's the diacritical mark dotting the first vowel in Häagen-Dazs an Umlaut

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