Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#1309, aired 1990-04-19RECENT U.S. HISTORY $200: In 1954 the U.S. tested a hydrogen bomb in the Marshall Islands & launched this nuclear sub the Nautilus
#1309, aired 1990-04-19RECENT U.S. HISTORY $400: N.Y. governor who announced in January 1948 he'd run for president if nominated; he was; he lost Thomas Dewey
#1309, aired 1990-04-19RECENT U.S. HISTORY $600: In 1973 he chaired the Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities Sam Ervin
#1309, aired 1990-04-19RECENT U.S. HISTORY $800: Lyndon Johnson convinced Arthur Goldberg to give up his Supreme Court seat for this job Ambassador to the U.N.
#1309, aired 1990-04-19RECENT U.S. HISTORY $1000: In 1972 she ran for president on the slogan "Unbought and unbossed" Shirley Chisholm

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