Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#6837, aired 2014-05-13RECENT NOVELS $200: Anastasia Steele falls for a troubled man in this first book in an erotic trilogy Fifty Shades of Grey
#6837, aired 2014-05-13RECENT NOVELS $400: "I am a lawyer, and I am in prison. It's a long story" is the opening line of "The Racketeer" by this novelist (John) Grisham
#6837, aired 2014-05-13RECENT NOVELS $600: Robert Langdon feels the burn dealing with a riddle involving Dante's "Inferno" in an offering from this author Dan Brown
#6837, aired 2014-05-13RECENT NOVELS $800: "Persuader" by Lee Child featured the return of this ex-military cop, 6'5", 250 in the book series & not 6'5", 250 onscreen Jack Reacher
#6837, aired 2014-05-13RECENT NOVELS $1000: Detective Harry Bosch looks back 20 years at a killing during the 1992 L.A. riots in "The Black Box" by this novelist Michael Connelly

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