Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (8 results returned)
#7598, aired 2017-09-27 | READY FOR MY CLOSE-UP $400: Look quickly; this animal's close-up might need to be taken at 70 miles per hour a cheetah |
#7598, aired 2017-09-27 | READY FOR MY CLOSE-UP $800: When tightening the fastener seen here, be careful not to strip these threads |
#7598, aired 2017-09-27 | READY FOR MY CLOSE-UP $1200: The section of a fingerprint seen here shares this name with a section of a river a delta |
#7598, aired 2017-09-27 | READY FOR MY CLOSE-UP $1600: The specs of your computer include the gigahertz speed of this part the processor |
#7598, aired 2017-09-27 | READY FOR MY CLOSE-UP $2000: This member of the rose family is ready for its close-up and to be made into jam strawberry |
#5106, aired 2006-11-20 | I'M READY FOR MY CLOSE-UP $200: Bully for you if you can name the Mount Rushmore prez seen here Theodore Roosevelt |
#5106, aired 2006-11-20 | I'M READY FOR MY CLOSE-UP $400: Of the two mammals with "panda" in their names, it's the bear-like one seen here--though you're only seeing a small part of it giant panda |
#5106, aired 2006-11-20 | I'M READY FOR MY CLOSE-UP $600: Take a shot & guess this D.C. power broker's identity Vice President Richard Cheney |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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