Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9232, aired 2024-12-24READ FLAGS $400: After a mutiny in "Treasure Island", the Hispaniola has this "flag of piracy--flying from her peak" the Jolly Roger
#9232, aired 2024-12-24READ FLAGS $800: The book "Flags of Our Fathers" is an account of Marines who raised a partly red flag on this island Iwo Jima
#9232, aired 2024-12-24READ FLAGS $1200: In a Margaret Atwood sequel, a "flag of the erstwhile United States... has been painted over with that of" this place Gilead
#9232, aired 2024-12-24READ FLAGS $1600: Set in 1793, Victor Hugo's last novel contains the line "It is a flag"--the French one called this a tricolor
#9232, aired 2024-12-24READ FLAGS $2,000 (Daily Double): A book put out by MoMA highlights this artist & his "deceptively straightforward paintings of flags" Jasper Johns

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