Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#7800, aired 2018-07-06RAIDING $200: Targeting radicals, the Palmer raids of 1920 epitomized the reaction to this "Scare" the Red Scare
#7800, aired 2018-07-06RAIDING $400: The raid on the Harpers Ferry arsenal was conducted by this type of group, from the Latin for "to destroy" abolitionists
#7800, aired 2018-07-06RAIDING $600: As attorney general, she took responsibility for the 1993 raid on the Waco Branch Davidian compound Janet Reno
#7800, aired 2018-07-06RAIDING $800: With attacks on Makin Island & Guadalcanal, Carlson's raiders were a daring WWII unit in this military branch the Marines
#7800, aired 2018-07-06RAIDING $1000: The first bombing raids against North Vietnam in 1964 came just before this resolution that validated them the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

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