Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#4851, aired 2005-10-17QUOTABLE SPORTS $400: Houston Rocket Steve Francis said of this teammate, "He's just like me, except he's 7'6" & Chinese" Yao Ming
#4851, aired 2005-10-17QUOTABLE SPORTS $800: Asked if he'd earned a Clemson U. degree in this state, NBAer Elden Campbell said, "No, but they gave me one anyway" South Carolina
#4851, aired 2005-10-17QUOTABLE SPORTS $1200: Asked about this West Central Florida NFL team's execution, then-coach John McKay said, "I'm for it" the Tampa Bay Buccaneers
#4851, aired 2005-10-17QUOTABLE SPORTS $1600: In '91 Vin Scully said, "Andre Dawson has a bruised knee & is listed as" this 3-word term... "aren't we all?" day-to-day
#4851, aired 2005-10-17QUOTABLE SPORTS $2000: Asked how he was putting in 1991 compared with '82, when he won the Masters, this "Walrus" said, "More" Craig Stadler

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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