Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#3885, aired 2001-06-22 | PURR-FECT BOOKS $200: This Beverly Cleary tale shares its name with a recent White House cat Socks |
#3885, aired 2001-06-22 | PURR-FECT BOOKS $400: In 1958 Dr. Seuss wrote this sequel The Cat in the Hat Comes Back |
#3885, aired 2001-06-22 | PURR-FECT BOOKS $600: It was Tao the cat, along with 2 dogs, on this Sheila Burnford title trip The Incredible Journey |
#3885, aired 2001-06-22 | PURR-FECT BOOKS $800: He wrote of all creatures great & small, including “Moses the kitten” (James) Herriot |
#3885, aired 2001-06-22 | PURR-FECT BOOKS $1000: He's “The Mystery Cat” of T.S. Eliot Macavity |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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