Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9195, aired 2024-11-01PRIME NUMBERS ON TV $400: Based on a hit Chinese sci-fi novel, this Netflix series sees aliens called the San-Ti looking Earthward 3 Body Problem
#9195, aired 2024-11-01PRIME NUMBERS ON TV $800: Episodes of this police comedy include "Dangle's Moving Day" & "Beige Lives Matter?" Reno 911!
#9195, aired 2024-11-01PRIME NUMBERS ON TV $1600: Fittingly, one episode of this CBS comedy finds Caroline embracing Kickstarter to raise funds 2 Broke Girls
#9195, aired 2024-11-01PRIME NUMBERS ON TV $2000: Proxima III is the site of a big battle for Captain Sheridan & his space station on this show Babylon 5
#9195, aired 2024-11-01PRIME NUMBERS ON TV $5,000 (Daily Double): Her real name turns out to be Jane Ives, & she developed powers due to involvement in the government's MK-Ultra program Eleven

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