Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#4443, aired 2003-12-24PRESS YOUR LUKE $400: He mentions Luke 3 times in his letters & was the one who dubbed Luke "the beloved physician" Paul
#4443, aired 2003-12-24PRESS YOUR LUKE $800: Luke's symbol; unlike lumberjack Bunyan's, his is winged, not blue an ox
#4443, aired 2003-12-24PRESS YOUR LUKE $1200: Luke says the first group to visit the newborn Jesus was a bunch of these who were tipped off by an angel shepherds
#4443, aired 2003-12-24PRESS YOUR LUKE $1600: Peter escaped jail, Luke says, & went to Mary's house where this maid, not Carlton her gateman, was amazed to see him Rhoda
#4443, aired 2003-12-24PRESS YOUR LUKE $2000: Some believe Luke hailed from Antioch in a part of ancient Syria that's now in this country Turkey

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