Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#1897, aired 1992-12-01 | PRESIDENTS' FATHERS $200: This man was the first father who was alive when his son became president John Adams |
#1897, aired 1992-12-01 | PRESIDENTS' FATHERS $400: This 20th C. president's father had a middle name, Anderson, while he only got an initial Harry Truman |
#1897, aired 1992-12-01 | PRESIDENTS' FATHERS $600: His father died before he was born so he was raised by an uncle, Sardis Birchard (Rutherford Birchard) Hayes |
#1897, aired 1992-12-01 | PRESIDENTS' FATHERS $1000: Middle name shared by President Coolidge & his father Calvin |
#1897, aired 1992-12-01 | PRESIDENTS' FATHERS $2,000 (Daily Double): George Bush's father Prescott Bush represented this New England State in the U.S. Senate Connecticut |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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