Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (20 results returned)

#5894, aired 2010-04-08PRESIDENTIAL PASTIMES $200: Jimmy Carter liked to grab his flies & do some of this in Hunting Creek, near Camp David fishing
#5894, aired 2010-04-08PRESIDENTIAL PASTIMES $400: John Quincy Adams loved to "rack 'em up" after buying the first one of these for the White House a pool table
#5894, aired 2010-04-08PRESIDENTIAL PASTIMES $800: President Clinton not only enjoyed listening to music but playing this instrument as well, even on TV the saxophone
#5894, aired 2010-04-08PRESIDENTIAL PASTIMES $1,000 (Daily Double): (Kelly of the Clue Crew strolls through the gardens at Monticello, Virginia.) For Thomas Jefferson, gardening was a welcome retreat from political life, & never more so than in 1807 when he suffered from migraines & stress due to this former vice president's treason trial Aaron Burr
#5894, aired 2010-04-08PRESIDENTIAL PASTIMES $1000: He enjoyed gambling on the ponies; he also bred racehorses at his Hermitage home Andrew Jackson
#5446, aired 2008-04-21PRESIDENTIAL PASTIMES $200: He spent time at his California ranch where he could ride horses, chop wood & play the part of a cowboy Reagan
#5446, aired 2008-04-21PRESIDENTIAL PASTIMES $400: Warren Harding often had a full house drinking & playing this card game into the wee hours poker
#5446, aired 2008-04-21PRESIDENTIAL PASTIMES $600: As seen in the picture, Franklin Roosevelt enjoyed stamp collecting, this nine-letter hobby philately
#5446, aired 2008-04-21PRESIDENTIAL PASTIMES $800: He liked to box, wrestle & hunt & loved to play tennis; in fact, his group of advisers was known as the Tennis Cabinet Teddy Roosevelt
#5446, aired 2008-04-21PRESIDENTIAL PASTIMES $1000: For exercise, this president seen here liked to swing Indian clubs Calvin Coolidge
#4900, aired 2005-12-23PRESIDENTIAL PASTIMES $200: As seen in the photo, this president liked to paint to help himself relax Eisenhower
#4900, aired 2005-12-23PRESIDENTIAL PASTIMES $400: In good weather, John Quincy Adams liked to spend his mornings skinny-dipping in this river the Potomac
#4900, aired 2005-12-23PRESIDENTIAL PASTIMES $600: Fond of this sport, Richard Nixon lived life in the fast lane, often scoring in the 170s or higher bowling
#4900, aired 2005-12-23PRESIDENTIAL PASTIMES $800: Even when pushing 300 pounds, this 27th president enjoyed playing golf & tennis Taft
#4900, aired 2005-12-23PRESIDENTIAL PASTIMES $1000: & in other news... during a fishing trip in Georgia in 1979, Jimmy Carter was attacked by a "killer" one of these a rabbit
#2658, aired 1996-03-06PRESIDENTIAL PASTIMES $100: The Benjamin Harrisons liked to go into the basement & "rack up" a few games of this billiards
#2658, aired 1996-03-06PRESIDENTIAL PASTIMES $200: Taft, a fan of this sport, was the first president to start its season with a ceremonial toss baseball
#2658, aired 1996-03-06PRESIDENTIAL PASTIMES $300: The hobby of this '70s president, spectators beware, was golf Gerald Ford
#2658, aired 1996-03-06PRESIDENTIAL PASTIMES $400: Calvin Coolidge liked to do this 11 hours a day nap (or sleep)
#2658, aired 1996-03-06PRESIDENTIAL PASTIMES $500: Woodrow Wilson had the patience to play the Canfield version of this card game solitaire

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