Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (13 results returned)

#2999, aired 1997-09-18PREGNANCY & CHILDBIRTH $300: To determine the position of a fetus before an amniocentesis, a doctor uses one of these picture scans Ultrasound/Sonogram
#2999, aired 1997-09-18PREGNANCY & CHILDBIRTH $400: Also called false labor, the Braxton Hicks type of these occur throughout pregnancy Contractions
#2999, aired 1997-09-18PREGNANCY & CHILDBIRTH $500: After birth, the baby is scored twice on this scale that measures 5 vital signs Apgar Score
#2838, aired 1996-12-25PREGNANCY & CHILDBIRTH $100: In the practice of couvade, this person simulates going through labor, pains & all The father
#2838, aired 1996-12-25PREGNANCY & CHILDBIRTH $200: This electronic test can tell a woman if she's having twins Ultrasound
#2838, aired 1996-12-25PREGNANCY & CHILDBIRTH $300: A pregnant woman may be more susceptible to gingivitis because hormones soften these Gums
#2838, aired 1996-12-25PREGNANCY & CHILDBIRTH $400: Found in cigarettes, it affects the efficiency of the placenta & may lead to low birth weight Nicotine
#2838, aired 1996-12-25PREGNANCY & CHILDBIRTH $500: Psychoprophylaxis teaches a mother techniques of relaxing & controlling this action Breathing
#2165, aired 1994-01-21PREGNANCY & CHILDBIRTH $200: At birth, this cord, which acts as a lifeline for the fetus, may reach 2 feet the umbilical cord
#2165, aired 1994-01-21PREGNANCY & CHILDBIRTH $400: This natural childbirth method was introduced at a maternity hospital in France in the 1950s Lamaze
#2165, aired 1994-01-21PREGNANCY & CHILDBIRTH $600: Pregnancy is divided into 3 parts, each lasting about 3 months & called this a trimester
#2165, aired 1994-01-21PREGNANCY & CHILDBIRTH $800: Done after the 15th week, it's the most common test for detecting chromosome abnormalities amniocentesis
#2165, aired 1994-01-21PREGNANCY & CHILDBIRTH $1000: An obstruction can cause an ectopic pregnancy, where, in most cases, the egg develops here the Fallopian tubes

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