Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#4593, aired 2004-07-21POPULAR SCIENCE TOP STORIES OF 2003 $200: Japanese scientists genetically engineered this type of coffee plant with 70% less jitter than the regular decaf
#4593, aired 2004-07-21POPULAR SCIENCE TOP STORIES OF 2003 $400: A weighty issue, but researchers found that eating the "dark" type of this food daily can lower blood pressure chocolate
#4593, aired 2004-07-21POPULAR SCIENCE TOP STORIES OF 2003 $600: A microwave detector put the precise age of this at 13.7 billion years (give or take 1%) the universe
#4593, aired 2004-07-21POPULAR SCIENCE TOP STORIES OF 2003 $800: Oddly, geologists learned that much of the sand in the Grand Canyon came from these mountains between Quebec & Alabama the Appalachians
#4593, aired 2004-07-21POPULAR SCIENCE TOP STORIES OF 2003 $1000: This scientist, a model for Dr. Strangelove, passed away in September at age 95 Edward Teller

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