Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#4137, aired 2002-09-03POP STARS A.K.A. $200: "Rocket Man" Reginald Dwight Elton John
#4137, aired 2002-09-03POP STARS A.K.A. $400: Ex-Police man Gordon Sumner Sting
#4137, aired 2002-09-03POP STARS A.K.A. $600: Thankful "Country Boy" Henry John Deutschendorf John Denver
#4137, aired 2002-09-03POP STARS A.K.A. $800: "Big Yellow Taxi" driver Roberta Joan Anderson Joni Mitchell
#4137, aired 2002-09-03POP STARS A.K.A. $1000: "Legit" rapper Stanley Burrell MC Hammer
#3938, aired 2001-10-17POP STARS A.K.A. $100: R&B legend William Robinson Smokey Robinson
#3938, aired 2001-10-17POP STARS A.K.A. $200: Drummer Richard Starkey Ringo Starr
#3938, aired 2001-10-17POP STARS A.K.A. $300: Folk rocker Robert Zimmerman Bob Dylan
#3938, aired 2001-10-17POP STARS A.K.A. $400: Airplane flyer Grace Wing Grace Slick
#3938, aired 2001-10-17POP STARS A.K.A. $500: Youthful-looking singer-songwriter Kenneth Edmonds Babyface

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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