Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#7226, aired 2016-02-01POP SONGS OF 2015 $200: What do you mean, this Canadian singer's "What Do You Mean?" topped the Billboard Pop Chart? Justin Bieber
#7226, aired 2016-02-01POP SONGS OF 2015 $400: Watch out, Radioactive Man! This band sang, "She wants to dance like Uma Thurman, bury me 'til I confess" Fall Out Boy
#7226, aired 2016-02-01POP SONGS OF 2015 $600: Time for a quick game of Pick the Right Jonas Brother! He had a solo hit with "Levels" Nick Jonas
#7226, aired 2016-02-01POP SONGS OF 2015 $800: "Zero" was big for this singer, but domestic violence issues resulted in denial of his visa for a trip to Australia Chris Brown
#7226, aired 2016-02-01POP SONGS OF 2015 $1000: "See You Again" stayed on the list again & again for this rapper & Charlie Puth Wiz Khalifa

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