Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#5076, aired 2006-10-09POP CULTURE QUOTES $400: A golfer of some repute, on whether his rep as a neat freak is deserved: "I make the bed in my hotel rooms" Tiger Woods
#5076, aired 2006-10-09POP CULTURE QUOTES $800: Noted grammarian Kelly Ripa corrected her when she said, "To play Daisy Duke, I mean, that's like an iconish" role Jessica Simpson
#5076, aired 2006-10-09POP CULTURE QUOTES $1200: This ex-tennis champ was "playing a ton of golf, & my wife (Bridgette) is pregnant, so I've done a little bit of that" Pete Sampras
#5076, aired 2006-10-09POP CULTURE QUOTES $1600: A U.S. heiress, asked if she read blogs: "What's that?" (that's hot) Paris Hilton
#5076, aired 2006-10-09POP CULTURE QUOTES $2000: On his TV "Report": "Anyone can read the news to you. I promise to feel the news at you" Stephen Colbert

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