Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9230, aired 2024-12-20POP CULTURE PHYSICS $400: Episodes of this physicist-heavy show included "The Septum Deviation" & "The Skank Reflex Analysis" The Big Bang Theory
#9230, aired 2024-12-20POP CULTURE PHYSICS $800: This film character says that as a kid, he wished he could mix physics with New Mexico, for then his life would be perfect Oppenheimer
#9230, aired 2024-12-20POP CULTURE PHYSICS $1200: As Sheriff Hopper on "Stranger Things" he finds science can't explain everything like it did when he worked in physics on TV's "Manhattan" David Harbour
#9230, aired 2024-12-20POP CULTURE PHYSICS $1600: Jane Foster likens the Asgardian Bifrost to an Einstein-Rosen Bridge, but Thor says it's more like this kind of bridge a Rainbow Bridge
#9230, aired 2024-12-20POP CULTURE PHYSICS $2000: On "Deep Space Nine" the prophets hung out in the Bajoran this that connected the Alpha & Gamma Quadrants a Wormhole

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