Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9211, aired 2024-11-25POLYNESIAN CULTURES $200: (Auliʻi Cravalho presents the clue.) Polynesia encompasses the many islands & cultures inside a triangle, stretching from New Zealand in the southwest to Hawaii in the north, to this island also known as Rapa Nui Easter Island
#9211, aired 2024-11-25POLYNESIAN CULTURES $400: (Auliʻi Cravalho presents the clue.) My character, Moana, is a wayfinder, one of the master navigators who steered ancient Polynesians across the Pacific by observing natural signs such as ocean swells & celestial objects like this group of stars the Big Dipper
#9211, aired 2024-11-25POLYNESIAN CULTURES $600: (Auliʻi Cravalho presents the clue.) A Polynesian trickster figure whose many feats include stealing fire, lifting the sky & fishing up islands like the Hawaiian one named for him is the basis of this hero voiced by Dwayne Johnson Maui
#9211, aired 2024-11-25POLYNESIAN CULTURES $800: (Auliʻi Cravalho presents the clue.) Pearls are French Polynesia's number one export; the prize black variety is cultivated on many islands but named for this famously beautiful one Tahiti
#9211, aired 2024-11-25POLYNESIAN CULTURES $1000: (Auliʻi Cravalho presents the clue.) The letter "G" represents an "ungh" sound in the language of this U.S. territory whose capital is pronounced "PAHNG-oh PAHNG-oh" American Samoa

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