Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (25 results returned)
#6008, aired 2010-10-27 | POLL-POURRI $200: As of 2010, almost 30% of U.S. households can be reached only on these, perhaps skewing pollsters' samples cell phones |
#6008, aired 2010-10-27 | POLL-POURRI $400: In 1963 he got the AAPOR Award, the highest bestowed by the American Association for Public Opinion Research (George) Gallup |
#6008, aired 2010-10-27 | POLL-POURRI $600: Polling partnerships include CBS News with the New York Times & ABC News with this Graham family paper The Washington Post |
#6008, aired 2010-10-27 | POLL-POURRI $800: This term for a poll or vote by a limited sample is derived from what you toss in the air to check the wind a straw poll |
#6008, aired 2010-10-27 | POLL-POURRI $1000: Alliterative term for mudslinging in the guise of a survey, as in "will Senator X's puppy-kicking affect your vote?" a push poll |
#4728, aired 2005-03-09 | "NORTH" POLL $200: British Admiral David Beatty was the first Earl of this, found between Britain & Norway the North Sea |
#4728, aired 2005-03-09 | "NORTH" POLL $400: Its official motto is "Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable" North Dakota |
#4728, aired 2005-03-09 | "NORTH" POLL $600: Many explorers once sought this arctic sea route connecting 2 oceans the Northwest Passage |
#4728, aired 2005-03-09 | "NORTH" POLL $800: The flag of this country, once at war with the United States, is seen here North Vietnam |
#4728, aired 2005-03-09 | "NORTH" POLL $1000: It's seen on many flags, & on a Nobel Prize medal as a symbol of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences the North Star |
#4619, aired 2004-10-07 | POLL VAULT $200: A 1951 survey of the U.S. Armed Forces found this milk & grain concoction their least favorite dessert rice pudding |
#4619, aired 2004-10-07 | POLL VAULT $400: In a 1945 poll this advertising symbol ranked as the best-known woman in America after Eleanor Roosevelt Betty Crocker |
#4619, aired 2004-10-07 | POLL VAULT $600: Voted the ugliest Las Vegas building in one poll, this tower resembles a diamond in a really tall setting the Stratosphere |
#4619, aired 2004-10-07 | POLL VAULT $800: A 2003 online poll by SmartTravel rated this Russian airline the world's worst Aeroflot |
#4619, aired 2004-10-07 | POLL VAULT $1000: A U.S. News & World Report survey of the nation's best hospitals lists this Baltimore facility No. 1 Johns Hopkins |
#4568, aired 2004-06-16 | POLL $400: In a 2003 CNN poll, this former first lady was voted "The Most Admired Woman in America" Hillary Clinton |
#4568, aired 2004-06-16 | POLL $800: Using faulty poll figures, Literary Digest predicted his defeat for President in 1936; the Digest folded in 1937 FDR |
#4568, aired 2004-06-16 | POLL $1200: A recent "Youth Wired" poll by this online service revealed that nearly 20% of American kids go online every day AOL |
#4568, aired 2004-06-16 | POLL $1600: The first of these held in the U.S. was in 1790 & revealed a total population of nearly 4 million a census |
#4568, aired 2004-06-16 | POLL $2000: A 2004 Gallup poll showed this East Asian country has the highest negative rating among Americans--83% North Korea |
#3757, aired 2000-12-26 | "NORTH" POLL $200: The 2 U.S. states with north in their names North Carolina & North Dakota |
#3757, aired 2000-12-26 | "NORTH" POLL $400: This heavenly body is also known as Polaris the North Star |
#3757, aired 2000-12-26 | "NORTH" POLL $600: Pyongyang is the capital city of this Asian country North Korea |
#3757, aired 2000-12-26 | "NORTH" POLL $800: This "Territory" of nearly 300,000 square miles was ceded by Great Britain to the U.S. in 1783 the Northwest Territory |
#3757, aired 2000-12-26 | "NORTH" POLL $1000: The Elbe, the Thames & the Rhine Rivers all flow into this body of water the North Sea |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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