Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9223, aired 2024-12-11POLITICAL OOPSIES $200: Hunting in Texas, this vice president shot his pal in the face with birdshot, but somehow the pal ended up apologizing Cheney
#9223, aired 2024-12-11POLITICAL OOPSIES $400: A tough way to bat .400 for governors of this state; 4 of its 10 past leaders went to prison, so better keep yer nose clean, J.B. Pritzker Illinois
#9223, aired 2024-12-11POLITICAL OOPSIES $600: Ex-rep. William Jefferson got this 2-word alliterative nickname that summed up the $90,000 found in the man's freezer by the FBI "Cold Cash"
#9223, aired 2024-12-11POLITICAL OOPSIES $800: In 2024 this N.J. sen. was looking at a lot longer than a 6-year term after being found guilty on 16 counts, including bribery Menendez
#9223, aired 2024-12-11POLITICAL OOPSIES $1000: In the 1920s a petroleum exec gave the Sec. of the Interior 100K in a "loan" (wink wink) & it was a tempest in this scandal Teapot Dome

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